- Master in Organizational Psychology
- Self-employed mindfulness coach
- Head of Management Development at Axpo Holding AG, Baden, Switzerland until August 2019
- Keynote speaker
- First certified Teacher SEARCH INSIDE YOURSELF in Switzerland (SIY Leadership Institute, San Francisco)
- First and only certified teacher ‘Mindfulness at Work’ in Switzerland (Giessener Forum, Germany)
- Certified trainer of The Potential Project, the global leader in providing customized, organizational effectiveness programs based on mindfulness.
- Own meditation practice since 2005
“A highly professional, senior facilitator – with a lot of passion,
a great presence and a warm open smile.”
Angelika’ work life is dedicated to the passion she has felt for a long time: integrating mindfulness practices into the development of leaders and employees working in today’s dynamic and complex organizations. Her former role as founder and Managing Partner of a successful leadership consultancy – as well as Head of Management Development at Switzerlands largest energy supplier – allowed her to grow as a leader and entrepreneur herself and to ‘walk her talk’, today being accepted as a trusted coach and sparring partner to her participants of all organizational levels.
While working in the corporate business environment and with more than 20 years of international management consulting and business leadership experience, Angelika was on a major growth journey of her own: as well as from her clients’ as from her own experience, she more and more realized the limitations of otherwise effective managerial approaches in today’s fast-spinning VUCA-world. She intensively started practicing mindfulness in 2005, inspired by the teachings of renowned mindfulness leaders from the US, Asia and Switzerland.
Today, she is convinced that mindfulness is the foundational competency for achieving human potential, happiness and optimal well-being and offers several programs on this behalf. As a Certified SIY Teacher she was part of the global cohort of 100 teachers for the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute (SIYLI), based on the leadership program developed at Google. Bringing together thought leaders in emotional intelligence, neuroscience and mindfulness, SIYLI is dedicated to developing wise and compassionate leaders.
“Angelika is passionate about the topic, brings drive and energy to the group and gets everyone engaged by her open, authentic approach.”
“Excellent knowledge about the topic, which she presented in a professional but still easy to understand manner.”
“She brings an incredible calm, serenity and presence.”
“Great how she established an excellent rapport with the audience, listened with great empathy and answered questions in a very appreciative way.”
“She shared many highly illustrative stories and examples that stick.”
“Sound with theory and with leading meditations.”
“Angelika walks her talk and comes across very credible and authentic – with a warm, open smile and good humor.”
and based on the example of these great people (real or fictitious, in order of their appearance in my life): Maria und Dr. Hubert von der Assen | Pippi Langstrumpf | Holden Caulfield | Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi | Nelson Mandela | Tenzin Gyatso | Anna Gamma | Byron Katie | Thich Nath Hanh | Jack Kornfield | Pema Chödron | Chade-Meng Tan | Mark Lesser | David Whyte | Alan Wallace | Mingyur Rinpoche